Login to d1 staff view
Select enrollment manager from nav bar
Search for specific student and enter student profile
Select courses from nav bar and view enrollments
Select enrolled option.
Select drop option and choose reason and enter applicable notes.
Select continue button.
Select checkout button.
Select continue button.
Enter refund information to student who was dropped.
Refund must be by check if student paid with cash.
Refund can be by card if student used card.
Select refund balance and click process button.
Select send email for receipt button.
Print receipt if necessary.
Student enrollment information should be updated immediately.
Create program:
Login to d1 staff view
Select curriculum manager
Select create new program and enter required fields.
Create new program offering and enter required fields according to department criteria.
Use department naming conventions
Staff view enrollments should encompass entire class period or more than public view.
Set up fee for the program in order to be able to get final approval.
Fees are set up on the program level, not the class level.
Add tuition fee by entering required fields based on department requirements.
Add fee to program.
Select final approval for program in program approval status.
Proficiency exams can be added to program offerings to limit what students can enter.
Required courses can be indicated for a program offering.
Find required course and click + button to add.
Enroll in and pay for a course:
Login to d1 public view and enter student portal
Search for and enter course portal.
Select add to cart and checkout options in the course portal.
Checkout can’t proceed if there are conflicting class schedules.
Login to d1 student view again to confirm identity.
Enter checkout required fields and select continue checkout.
View receipt in both email and student profile in account history.
Current courses can be seen in enrollment history in student profile.