Login to d1 public view and enter student portal
Search for and enter course portal.
Select add to cart and checkout options in the course portal.
Checkout can’t proceed if there are conflicting class schedules.
Login to d1 student view again to confirm identity.
Enter checkout required fields and select continue checkout.
View receipt in both email and student profile in account history.
Current courses can be seen in enrollment history in student profile.
3/2/2023 - NonF1/J1
Messages can be forwarded to specific users within the system.
Login to d1 staff view.
Select task manager in nav bar and then message list.
Select message to send and choose recipients.
Login to d1 staff view.
Select system administration in top nav bar.
Select system option in top nav bar.
Select worksflows option in top nav bar.
Assign workflows as required by department.
Click save button.
Send email to student:
Login to d1 staff view.
Select enrollment manager.
Search for and select student.
Generate Report:
Login to d1 staff view.
Select reporting from nav bar
Choose report to be generated (i.e. registration)
Select type of report you want to generate.
Search for what you want the report to be about.
Select options to generate reports.
Click generate report.