Courses need to have grade types and templates for grading criteria.
3/13/2023 - Q/A
To set up group, Student must be allowed to invoice the group by selecting the appropriate radial button.
Check student group proficiencies by searching out the group in enrollment manager, clicking the student name and selecting proficiencies in the course drop down menu.
Apply for course as a student in a group without paying:
Login to d1 student view with group student
Add course to cart and select checkout
Proceed through checkout procedure
Students in a group do not need to fill out applications.
Group students registering for class sections that need an application will not be able to proceed.
Select bill my employer option.
Verify registration through email and student profile.
Pay for a course as a group.
Login to d1 staff view.
Create a group contact to be billed for the group.
Navigate to contact profile and enter required fields.
Access workflows:
Login to d1 staff view.
Select system administrator option.
Navigate to workflow setup under the system drop menu.
Select program and view created workflows.
Assign program users to workflows and click + button to save.
Click save button.