Login to Destiny One staff view.
Navigate to Curriculum manager option in navigation bar.
Select courses drop down menu and click course search.
Select propose new course.
Fill out required fields according to department information and click . This includes fees and enrollment restrictions.
Click save button.
D1i.OSH.CSC.002: Manually create a new course section.
Login to Destiny One staff view.
Navigate to Curriculum manager option in navigation bar.
Select instructor option from navigation bar and click create instructor button.
Input required fields to create instructor and click save button to send password reset email to instructor.
Osher team creates instructor profiles for volunteer instructors in D1
Osher team adjusts D1 Section Name to be 50 characters or less
Osher team indicates enrollment restrictions when necessary in D1
Osher team create fees in D1
Osher team applies discounts when necessary in D1
Osher team adds image to course in D1
Osher team adds video to course in D1
GAP: D1 does not accept video links from MediaSpace
D1i.OSH.CSC.004: Create enrollment restrictions for Osher courses in Destiny One.
Login to d1 staff view and access system administrator page.
Select restrictions from the enrollment rules menu.
Leave code blank, enter description, select rule category and status from drop menus.
Define the fees being restricted by selecting the appropriate checkbox.
Specify restriction type, decide requirements to be satisfied and specify detail of the requirements.
Select the costing units to which the restrictions are to be applied, add error message and click save button.
D1i.OSH.CSC.005: Create tuition profile fees for Osher courses.
Login to d1 staff view and select system administration page.
Select fees from the tuition profile drop menu.
Open specified section profile page and select fees.
Enter required fields and click save button.
D1i.OSH.CSC.006: Create flat fees for Osher sections.
Login to d1 staff view and select curriculum manager page.
Select courses and search for specified course.
Open specified section profile page and select fees.
Select flat fee under tuition option and enter required fields.
Apply reason for change and click save button.
Requirement D1i.OSH.CR: A student wants to register for an Osher course.