Test Cases:
D1i.OSH.WL.001: Student signs up for a course wait list.
D1i.OSH.WL.002: Osher staff signs up a student for a course wait list.
Requirement D1i.OSH.SE: A student wants to register for an Osher special event.
D1i.OSH.SE.002: Register for an Osher event using the Destiny One staff view without a membership requirement.
Login to d1 staff view and select enrollment manager option.
Search for a student and enter profile.
Hover over courses drop down menu, select search
Search for specified course and click register button.
Select checkout and continue buttons when information is verified.
Fill out specified payment type and click pay balance button.
Click process button.
Send student a receipt and enrollment confirmation email or print.
D1i.OSH.SE.003: Register for an Osher event using the Destiny One public view while purchasing a membership.