D1i.OSH.CR.001: Search for an Osher course in the Destiny One public view and view the course informationa specific course Osher being offered. ormation.
Select courses in homepage navigation bar.
Enter specific course information in search bar and click search button.
Select specified course.
D1i.OSH.CR.004: Create a new student account.
Navigate to Destiny One d1 public view .
Search for an individual course.
Search all course listings.
Search program listings.
Select course and view course and section informationstudent login portal, enter new email address and click create account button.
Enter all required fields and click submit button.
Click new password link in email, enter new password and click save button.
Login to new student account.
Accept university privacy policies and click save button.
D1i.OSH.CR.002: Enroll in an Osher course with a fee as a student using the Destiny One public viewonline registration system.
Search for a specified course(s) in Destiny One public view.
Add course (s) to cart, verify automatic edition to shopping cart.
Navigate to shopping cart and confirm automatic addition of Osher membership and proceed to checkout.
Input email address to create new individual account.
Change password and input required student profile fields including DOB to by-pass Osher restrictions.
Proceed to checkout and input required fields.
Verify proof of purchase and registration through auto-email.
Verify registration and Osher membership through student profileSelect checkout button.
Enter payment information and select continue checkout button.
View purchase confirmation page.
Receive email receipt confirming enrollment.
D1i.OSH.CR.003: Enroll in an Osher course without a fee as a student using the Destiny One public viewonline registration system.
Search for a specified course(s) in Destiny One public view.
Add course (s) to cart, verify automatic edition of Osher membership and proceed to checkout.
Input email address to create new individual account.
Change password and input required student profile fields including DOB to by-pass Osher restrictions.
Proceed to checkout and input required fields.
Verify registration through auto-email.
Verify registration and Osher membership through student profile.
D1i.OSH.CR.004: Create a new student account in the Destiny One Staff view.
Login to d1 staff view and select enrollment manager page.
Click create new student button.
Enter required fields for student record creation and click save button.
Student sets password after receiving password reset emailshopping cart.
Navigate to shopping cart and select checkout button.
View course information and select continue checkout button.
View purchase confirmation page.
Receive email receipt confirming enrollment.
D1i.OSH.CR.005: Enroll a student in an Osher course using the Destiny One staff view.
Login to d1 staff view and select enrollment manager option..
Search for a student and enter profile.
Hover over courses drop down menu, select search
Search for specified course and click register button.
Select checkout and continue buttons when information is verified.
Fill out specified payment type and click pay balance button.
Click process button..
Send student a receipt and enrollment confirmation email or print.
Login to d1 public view as a student.
On student home page select special requests from left-hand menu.
Click add to cart button next to Osher membership option.
Click checkout button on cart page.
Verify D.O.B. date of birth as at least 40 years old.
Complete checkout procedure.
View receipt once checkout is completed.
Requirement D1i.OSH.WL: A student wants to sign up for an Osher course waiting list.