Violation of this policy can lead to citations. Drivers of University vehicles will be personally responsible for the payment of citations. In the event of a violation, a departmental vehicle may be impounded by Parking Services or the University Police. All vehicles must observe a sidewalk speed limit of 5 mph.
Vehicles on Campus Sidewalks (also referred to as Pedestrian Walkways) Policy 3-233 (links to external website)
Cars, trucks, and vans may be used to deliver and pick up portable and installed equipment in classrooms on campus. University policy prohibits the operation of such vehicles on university sidewalks and plazas. There are limited exceptions to this policy which require the approval of your supervisor and the authorization of the Director of Plant Operations, who will issue an electronic 'Sidewalk Pass' (Golf/Utility Carts are excluded—see below). In addition, flasher lights must be used the entire time the vehicle is on the sidewalk (being driven or parked). These exceptions are granted for specific events and are for a defined period of time.
Employees shall not use cellular telephones while operating a motor vehicle. This includes telephone conversations, reading or responding to email or text messages, browsing the internet or any other distracting or dangerous behavior. Policy 4-005 (links to external website)
PLEASE NOTE: Anyone who is reported to be driving anywhere other than sidewalks in a cart, or driving faster than the campus speed limit, or using a UCL vehicle/s in an inappropriate manner may lose the privilege of using these vehicles and may also face disciplinary sanctions which can include termination.
You need to sign out the UCL vehicles at the RI Information Desk and it must be properly filled out before taking the vehicle. All applicable paperwork on the vehicle clipboard must be properly filled out.
Comply with posted speed limits and reduce your speed according to traffic, weather, and road conditions.
Wear a seat belt at all times.
Do not talk on a cell phone while driving.
You may not drive between the hours of 11 pm and 5 am.
University vehicles are prohibited from idling for periods of longer that 60 seconds (refer to Policy 3-215A: Sec: III Rule: E: 11 for a list of exceptions).
In case of an accident, fill out the University of Utah Vehicle Accident Report form on the vehicle clipboard and report the incident to your supervisor immediately.
If a UCL vehicle is not available, you may be required to use your own vehicle to complete your job duties. You must carry personal automobile insurance at the State-required levels (both comprehensive/collision and liability coverage). The University does not provide primary automobile liability of personal injury protection coverage for personal vehicles. If/when you use your own vehicle to perform your job duties your personal insurance carrier provides primary coverage. The University provides no automobile physical damage coverage for personal vehicles used on University business. This means that if a personal vehicle were damaged, there is no insurance program at the University to cover such damage. On occasions when you drive your personal vehicle to conduct University business, you will be reimbursed for mileage according to the University’s current “Schedule of Allowable Rates” for University Travel (links to external site) for University Travel.
You may not use a UCL vehicle for conducting personal business or without specific authorization to use it.
When finished using a vehicle, please remember
Lock doors
Make sure the car is turned off if the vehicle has a push-button start
University Motor Vehicles Policy 3-215(links to external sitewebsite)
Vehicles on Pedestrian Walks Policy 3-233 233(links to external sitewebsite)
Vehicle Parking Policy 5-206(links to external sitewebsite)
Cell Phone Use While Driving on University Business Policy 4-005 005(links to external sitewebsite)
Risk Management(links to external site.website)