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Class level fee

When section(s) have different fees. Class level fees do not roll term to term.

Course level fee

When all sections have the same fee. Course level fees roll from term to term.

Quick Links

Use Tableau to audit class fees.

How to download the Tableau Fee Audit

Step One: Login

  1. Login to Tableau

  2. Navigate to Global Reports> Explore> Scheduling> Scheduling Audit> Fee Audit

Step Two: Filter data as needed

  1. Filter data as necessary by using filters on the left hand side

    1. Term

    2. Unit

    3. Subject

    4. Catalog (if desired)

    5. Item Type (if desired)

    6. Fee Level (if desired)

    7. Schedule Print (if desired)

Step Three: Download Data

Once the data has been filtered to the classes/data needed, you will download this informaiton.

  1. Select “Download”

  2. And in pop-up box select “Crosstab”

  3. In next pop-up box make sure that “Excel” is selected

  4. Then select “Download”

Step Four: Save and rename file

  1. Before adding any changes or updates it is best to rename your file. You must add the term to the file name:

    1. Terms should be indicated with F, S, U

      1. F = Fall

      2. S = Spring

      3. U = Summer

    2. Followed by the year

      1. F22

      2. S23

      3. U23

    3. Include your UCL Unit

      1. Acad Programs

      2. ELI

      3. Lifelong

      4. Osher

      5. PROED

      6. Youth

      7. etc…

All columns are needed to update fee information. You may hide columns if necessary, but do not delete them.

Helpful tip: You may delete rows where information is correct and no update or change is needed.