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What is a gNID?

A temporary guest account (gNID). Allows colleges and departments to provide university guests with authenticated wired/wireless campus network access.

How to request

  1. Go to
  2. From the top menu, select “SERVICES” and then “SERVICE CATALOG”.
  3. In the next page, select “Accounts & Access” and then “gNID Request”
  4. Now Sign in with your unid and password in the next page.
  5. In the gNID Request page, fill out the form
    Note: After filling out your contact info, unid, email and department org id you will need to define how many gNIDs are needed, what they will be used for, what they will connect to and the number of days they should be active after first use.
    What will the gNIDs be used for is typically “Other”
    What do the gNIDs need to connect to is typically, but not always “Student Computer Lab”
  6. When you are done filling out the form, click “Submit” in the bottom left corner.  You should be taken to a status page and you should see your gNID request is listed under the “Requested Items” section.  You should also get an email confirming your request has been submitted.

**gNID requests typically take 24 hours to process.

Requesting gNIDs

  1. Requsting gNIDS has a standard 2 business day turn around time.  It's best to request in lots that will support your units need for 30 days or more.
  2. gNIDs expire in 6 months if not used.  There is an expire data in small print at the bottom of each gNID page.
  3. When requesting gNIDs you will need to supply the following info:
    1. How many gNID(s) are needed? 
    2. What will the gNID(s) be used for? (other is the best response)
    3. What do the gNID(s) need to connect to? (Student Computer Lab is appropriate for lab use)
    4. Number of days (180 max) gNID(s) should be active (if you have one day classes, list "1".  For classes that meet Monday and Wednesday for two weeks, you would answer 10 days.

Providing gNIDs for use

  1. Issue one account per guest.
  2. Verify identity.  For classes with students that don't have UNIDs, the class role is acceptable.  For one off access, like a single user that is logging in for a proctored test from another higher ed institute, a drivers license is typical identity verification.
  3. Record what gNID was provided to what person in the gNID log provided by UIT.
  4. Store the records for 6 months.

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