Login to d1 staff view and select enrollment manager page.
Search for specified student and select student record.
Find profile holds box and fill out required fields.
Select add hold button to add record.
3/23/2023 - Q/A
Add courses to cohort:
Login to d1 staff view and select curriculum manager.
Select curriculum from programs drop menu.
Assign courses to cohorts by clicking the number next to the course in the grammar box.
Select cohorts from programs drop menu.
Select required courses drop menu.
Click check box next to required courses and select save button.
ELI students can take university classes as ELI 880 but have to pay for two ELI sessions to take the class. Usually only done by Kansai students in their last two sessions. Use of the special request system to charge.
Non F1/J1
Use the student transcript report to generate a grade report for students in D1.
Create Holds:
Login to d1 staff view and select system admin page.
Select enrollment rules.
Specify new hold by filling out required fields based on department standards.
Click save button.
4/6/2023 - Q/A
Login to d1 staff view and select curriculum manager.
Search for specified program from program drop menu and enter profile.
Select dashboard from program drop menu.
Place students in courses based on courses or levels.