Get started with Salesforce Navigation tips!
App Launcher
In the top left corner of any page within Salesforce, you can navigate to a new app or object by clicking on the App Launcher, which looks like a waffle.
When you click on the waffle, you will see a list of apps that you can use.
Customize your apps
At the bottom of the list, you can click on View All to see other apps and objects beyond this brief list.
Using the little grid section on the right side of each app icon, you can rearrange the apps that appear in your brief list. Click on the grid of the app you want to move and drag it into your placement. The first seven apps that appear on your full App Launcher view will appear in your brief list whenever you click on the waffle in the future.
You will see different apps and items in the App Launcher depending on your specific permissions and access level.
Search bar
At the top of the brief list of apps in the preview and the full App Launcher view, you have the option to Search apps or items. Click into the search bar in either place and start typing the name of the app or object you are looking for. The list will show you any app or item with your entered text in the name.
Here are a couple of examples: