ELI Activity Steps
Zions Activity Steps (2/16/2023)
Course Set Up Activities:
Create course
Create section
Select section within course
Select courses from nav bar and select fees for course section
Select tuition profile box and the + button, then hit save to add fee to the class section. Done for every section of a particular class.
To initiate flat flee for a course select flat fee box. Name as preferred and select ELI under Revenue GL account. More GL accounts can be added for additional fees.
Flat fee or tuition profile must be checked. Having both checked causes issues.
Application Activities:
Create application:
Student completes Zion’s ELI application on website.
Placement tests sent to student via email
Student requires destiny one account to fill out application.
Create application in destiny one by selecting the application manager in the nav bar
Set parameters as specified and add description.
Connect to questionnaire by selecting the box and the appropriate field.
Click save once parameters are set.
Associate created application with course.
Create Questionnaire:
Select application manager
Select create questionnaire
Creation sections for the questionnaire.
Create questionnaire profile
Add pages, sections and fields as specified for each question. Text box for field type.
Mark questions mandatory.
Create Page fields based on specified criteria
Fields are added to the bottom of the page. These can be re-ordered for the application.
Attach Fee to Application:
Add new section to a course that will use the application
Enter section information as specified.
Click application fee box and select specified fee from radial button.