This training will give you the information you will need to create a new course in the Destiny One registration system.
Much of this information can be found by accessing the Help pages in Destiny One. Follow the links in each section to go to help pages in D1. Specific information to the University of Utah will be given in this document.
Propose a New Course
D1 Help: Manager/Courses/Course - Section Search.htm?cshid=190#Navigate
Select Curriculum Manager from the first navigation tier.
Click on Courses on the second tier.
The Course /Section Search page appears with the advanced search options hidden.
Click on Propose New Course button, at bottom of the screen. A blank Course Profile page appears.
Complete the fields in the Course Profile page. For more information, please see Course Profile.
Course Profile Fields
D1 Help:
All delivered field information can be found at the above URL. The following table has fields that are specific University of Utah requirements and must be entered in that way - fields not shown are delivered fields and info can be found at above URL.
Field | Descriptions UofU requirements |
Course No | Subject Code + Catalog # (ex. LLHG 557, PROED 303) |
Program Code | Subject Code (ex. LLHG, PROED, YEART) |
Course Title | Equivalent to Long Course Title in PeopleSoft |
Program Office | This will always be UCL Continuing Education |
Costing Unit | Equivalent to Academic Org in PeopleSoft (ex. Lifelong Learning, Professional Education, Youth Education) These will be configured by Systems Admin and will appear in drop down |
Course Hours | Non Credit = 0 (No credit courses at this time) |
Academic Units | Leave unchecked (No credit courses at this time) |
Continuing Education Units | Uncheck Box (Not currently offering CEU’s) |
Course Description (Public) | Equivalent to Long Description in PeopleSoft |
Course Categories | Categories are populated by the Marketing Dept. Currently there are two categories to choose from:
Categories are used in the search on the public facing web site, but do not affect where a class displays on the site. |
Program Areas/Streams | Program Areas and Streams are poulated by the Marketing Dept and determine where and how the class shows on the public facing web site. Program Areas: