2/27/202328/2023 - Open Enrollment
Course data will be populated in canvas when option in check in course from the D1 staff view.
Corporate Enrollments:
Login to d1 staff view
Select enrollment manager and search for student
Select group search
Register students using group account
Select group and search for class.
Register the group in class and proceed to checkout
Fill out payment fields as required to pay for all students at one time.
Corporate login can be enabled to allow this to be done by entities on the public view.
Create invoice for group in the staff view.
Pay for invoice on the public view.
Logins to d1 staff view
Select curriculum manager
Select certificate and create new certificate
Fill in required fields as dictated by department and click save.
Select bundles from top nav bar and click create bundles
Fill in required fields and click save.
Search for bundle