Versions Compared


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  1. Login to d1 staff view.

  2. Select curriculum manager from top nav bar.

    1. Select instructor option and search for specific instructor.

  3. Select courses from top nav bar.

    1. Select class list from course options drop down menu.

  4. Shows communications sent to students by instructor in the system.

Family checkout does not automatically add an Osher membership. This occurs in the individual checkout. Button being added to website to add memberships.

3/7/2023 - General Training


  1. Login to d1 staff view

  2. Enter curriculum manager page

  3. Enter instructor page and select create new student.

  4. Fill out required fields (name, email, address, etc.)

    1. Press + button to populate fields as required.

  5. Select save button to create account.

3/9/2023 - Osher Program Training