Osher Work Session Notes (QA Test Steps)

Osher Work Session Notes (QA Test Steps)

Osher Activity Steps


Course Registration: Student Search

  1. Navigate to search function.

  2. Turn off streamlined view to use keywords in search function.

Course Registration: Family Login

  1. Search for courses

  2. Add courses to cart

  3. Create family account

    1. Create initial member and then add other members from the family portal page (manage members)

    2. Individual accounts can be added to a family account.

  4. Add members to family account by accessing manage members in the family account portal and inputting required information for each.

  5. To invite an existing member, send an invite to email address that they can accept.

  6. Proceed to cart and click checkout button.

  7. Input required fields for checkout and click continue checkout.

    1. Purchase complete

Course Registration: Student Roster staff view

  1. Search for class and access section

  2. Select class list from courses navigation bar

  3. Select class list

  4. Select tools radial button and download attendance sheet.

Course Registration: Student Roster Instructor view

  1. Login to public view as instructor

  2. Access courses from nav bar in instructor portal

  3. Select class list to view course roster.


Payment Processing:

Register and Pay in the staff view:

  1. Login to d1 staff view

Instructor Management:

  1. Login to instructor portal of public view

  2. Select class list

  3. Select options to print attendance sheet, email students, etc.

    1. Files can be attached to d1 emails.

  4. Check in staff view by selecting curriculum manager.

  5. Select appropriate instructor, select communications and view all messages.

Membership Info:

  1. Login to d1 staff view and select enrollment manager

  2. Search for a student and select them.

  3. System defaults to rapid. Select profile to change to full information.

    1. Membership in Osher will be listed.

      1. Should include student ID number.

  4. Membership can also be viewed in the student portal under profile.

Add Instructor to Course:

  1. Login to d1 staff view

  2. create instructor

  3. Create instructor contract


To view all Osher enrollments, a report will need to be pulled in d1.


Send email from system:

  1. Login to d1 staff view.

  2. Select curriculum manager from top nav bar.

    1. Select instructor option and search for specific instructor.

  3. Select courses from top nav bar.

    1. Select class list from course options drop down menu.

  4. Shows communications sent to students by instructor in the system.

Family checkout does not automatically add an Osher membership. This occurs in the individual checkout. Button being added to website to add memberships.

3/7/2023 - General Training

Create Student Account:

  1. Login to d1 staff view

  2. Enter enrollment manager page

  3. Enter student page and select create new student.

  4. Fill out required fields (name, email, address, etc.)

    1. Press + button to populate fields as required.

  5. Select save button to create account.

Register Student for Course:

  1. Login to d1 staff view.

  2. Enter enrollment manager page.

  3. Search for desired course.

    1. Click register button next to desired course.

  4. Select checkout button and navigate to checkout page.

    1. If there are membership/age errors, student must have this information added to record.

  5. Select method of payment and enter required information.

    1. Select pay balance button.

  6. Select process button to navigate to authorized page.

    1. Receipt can be printed or sent to student email.

Create Instructor Account:

  1. Login to d1 staff view

  2. Enter curriculum manager page

  3. Enter instructor page and select create new student.

  4. Fill out required fields (name, email, address, etc.)

    1. Press + button to populate fields as required.

  5. Select save button to create account.

3/9/2023 - Osher Program Training

Membership status can be viewed by student in d1 public student portal in student profile located under the privacy section.

Generate membership report:

  1. Login to d1 staff view.

  2. Enter marketing section

  3. Select list manager option from top nav bar

  4. Select profile rules

    1. Enter dates when new members signed up.

  5. Select add button for profile.

  6. Select matching results button to obtain list based on specified criteria.

Generate membership report 2:

  1. Login to d1 staff view.

  2. Enter reporting section

  3. Select list master from top nav bar

  4. Select special requests sales report from drop down list

  5. Choose semesters.

  6. Generate report to preferred format.

3/14/2023 - Curriculum Training

Instructor profile needs to be signed and have a biography.

Instructors can be imported into d1.

3/16/2023 - Training

Create new student:

  1. Login to d1 staff view.

  2. Select enrollment manager page.

  3. Click create new student.

  4. Fill out required fields.

    1. Click + button in some fields to populate information.

  5. Click save button to create student record.

  6. Details can be edited as necessary by member of staff with access.

3/21/2023 - Training

Waitlist Student View:

  1. Login to d1 public view as a student.

  2. Search for and enter course page.

  3. Select section with waitlist option.

  4. Click Join Waitlist button.

  5. Fill out required fields.

  6. Receive email confirming waitlist status.

  7. Register when email is received indicating a slot is open

    1. Configure slot time so that it will go to the next person if first choice does not register in time.

Waitlist Staff View:

  1. Login to d1 staff view and select enrollment manager.

  2. Search for student and enter account.

  3. Search for course.

  4. Select waitlist button next to course.

  5. Fill out required fields and click save button.

Apply discount to a course:

  1. Login to d1 staff view and select system administrator page.

  2. Select fees from navigation menu.

  3. Select fee to be applied.

  4. Search for course(s).

  5. Select left-hand checkbox of desired courses.

  6. Click add fee button.

3/23/2023 - Training

Create group:

  1. Login to d1 staff view and select enrollment manager.

    1. A group can be a company, corporate or family.

  2. Click create new group button.

  3. Fill out required fields to create new group and click save button.

    1. Specify group category (family, company, etc.)

    2. Group should be managed by an individual.

  4. Click add from member drop menu.

  5. Search for and add members as necessary and click save.

Purchase membership and course for a group.

  1. Login to d1 staff view and select enrollment manager.

  2. Search for group and enter record.

  3. Select select osher membership from special requests drop menu.

  4. Select who is purchasing membership by checkbox.

  5. Select search from courses drop menu.

  6. Search for course and click register button.

  7. Select who is enrolling in the course by right hand checkbox.

  8. Select checkout and proceed to payment page.

  9. Select payor option, input required fields.

  10. Select process button.

  11. Email receipt or confirm in d1 student view.

Register for classes as a group:

  1. Create family login in d1 public view.

  2. Select manager members in family portal.

  3. Associate students with the family group by filling out required fields.

4/6/2023 - Q/A


  1. Login to d1 staff view and select system administration.

  2. Select notifications from system drop menu.

  3. Select templates and fill out required fields based on department criteria.

  4. Click save button.

Track Attendance:

  1. Login to d1 staff view and select curriculum manager.

  2. Search for specified course and enter course profile.

  3. Enter desired section profile.

  4. Select grading sheet from courses drop menu.

  5. Select modify grading template.

  6. Select total sessions attended and individual sessions attended boxes.

  7. Click save button.

  8. Select attendance tracking from courses drop menu and modify accordingly.

4/13/2023 - Q/A

Upload image.

  1. login to d1 staff view and select curriculum manager.

Files can be uploaded to the section files for each course.

Scheduling Proofs:

View information in section profile report.