This documentation is specific to creating a webhook in Optin Monster, adding the correct url for the Salesforce integration, and adding additional required program data to the webhook configuration for each campaign that the webhook is placed on. Once the webhook is created in Optin Monster, it can be reused for different campaigns - the program data must still be added to match a Campaign external id in Salesforce.
Setting Program data related to Campaign
!!Caution!! - a program related to the Campaign external id in Salesforce, must be added to the data field for the added webhook. If there is not one added, or if the program that is added doesn’t exist in Salesforce, the webhook event will fail(the lead will not be added to Salesforce). For now there are 4 acceptable entries for program - uo-law-mls, uo-fa-matfa, uo-nurs-ms-ed, uo-nurs-ms-inf. For additional questions on acceptable programs to enter, contact the your Salesforce Admin.
Add the program to the data field in this format - {“program”:”externalIdNameFromSalesforce”}