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In this article:

Table of Contents

Building Closing Procedures

Before 5PM

  • Configure classroom furniture for evening classes per instructions given by program
  • Pick up/wipe tables in classrooms as needed
  • Adjust shades, clean white board, check for markers, dump trash if full and put in dumpster outside.

At 5PM

  • One staff member always at Student Services desk to answer phones and student questions
  • Other staff member can continue preparing for evening classes and help direct students to new classes- both be back to student service desk by 6 to help instructors if needed - make copies/computer issues
  • Disengage push bars for staff area for front door and door next to breakroom.
  • Lock computer labs if not being used by classes that night.

Before Leaving

  • Check study rooms, bathrooms, and student lounge (or any unlocked area) for students
  • Clean classrooms: straighten and clean tables, chairs, tablet armchairs, clean whiteboards, make sure electronics and projectors are turned off
  • After classrooms are cleaned, turn off lights, and close doors
  • Double check that all exits are secure (one by loading dock)
  • Move in outside signs
  • Return any laptops, clickers, or remotes to their proper storage location.
  • Have instructors leave materials in classrooms/drop by finance door. If students or instructors leave anything in the rooms, place the items in the lost-and-found box
  • Do a sweep of the building to ensure the building is empty

Computer Labs

  • Turn off computers
  • Turn off Lights
  • Lock doors

Securing Staff Area

  • Close registration roll down door at 8:30 to clean rooms and sweep.
  • Turn off lights in breakroom and main lights where possible and sweep area for people
  • Ensure staff doors are closed and locked(some of the doors do not fully close unless pushed)
  • Put up sign saying that you are in the building and if assistance is needed to call you. For now if you could put your cell on it. I will have instructions on forwarding the work phone to a cell number soon.

Student Services Area

  • Lock all file cabinets
  • Make sure computers are turned off
  • Close and lock roll down door.
  • Turn off lights
  • Set alarm on card reader door                                                                     

Securing and Exiting Building

  • Make sure all external doors are locked (Maglocks will automatically engage at 9:30 pm) including the door to the dumpster.
  • Ensure the maglocks engage on the doors after closed. The upstairs door takes about a minute to engage, so wait to ensure it is locked.
  • Two staff members should leave the building together
  • If maglocks do not engage at the main glass doors, call REA to let them know there is a problem

Contact Numbers

If you have a facility issue, call REA (Real Estate Admin) at 801- 587-8750 and email Katina about the issue so she can follow up

If technology issue, call 1-3200.  Brady at the Sandy site is there all evening and should be able to help. 

If emergency, medical or safety, call 911 Or Campus security – 801-585-2677     

Other Contact Numbers

Jodi Emery 801-706-5960

Anne O’Brien 801-598-2235

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