Create family login in d1 public view.
Select manager members in family portal.
Associate students with the family group by filling out required fields.
4/6/2023 - Q/A
Login to d1 staff view and select system administration.
Select notifications from system drop menu.
Select templates and fill out required fields based on department criteria.
Click save button.
Track Attendance:
Login to d1 staff view and select curriculum manager.
Search for specified course and enter course profile.
Enter desired section profile.
Select grading sheet from courses drop menu.
Select modify grading template.
Select total sessions attended and individual sessions attended boxes.
Click save button.
Select attendance tracking from courses drop menu and modify accordingly.
4/13/2023 - Q/A
Upload image.
login to d1 staff view and select curriculum manager.
Files can be uploaded to the section files for each course.
Scheduling Proofs:
View information in section profile report.