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User Story/Use Case/Requirement


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Test Steps




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User Story/Use Case/Requirement

Test Case

Test Steps



As a system administrator I want to determine the number of semesters that take place in an academic/fiscal year.

Determine the number of semesters/terms that take place in an academic/fiscal year.


As a system administrator I want to be able to determine when semesters/terms take place during the academic/fiscal year. 

Determine when semesters/terms take place during the academic/fiscal year. 


As a system administrator I want to be able to implement the grading criteria for a course as determined by the department.

Implement the grading criteria for a course as determined by the department.


As a system administrator I want to be able to set the pricing for courses based on department criteria. 

Set the pricing for courses based on department criteria. 


As a system administrator I want to be able to offer course discounts based on department criteria.

Offer course discounts based on department criteria.


As a system administrator I want to be able to set up payment options in the website shopping cart. 

Set up payment options in the website shopping cart. 


As a system administrator I want to be able to set up the payment processor.

Set up the payment processor to required specifications.


As a system administrator I want to determine the number of semesters that take place in an academic/fiscal year. Determine the number of semesters/terms that take place in an academic/fiscal year. to be able to configure auto-response email messages for specific criteria. 

Configure auto-response email messages for specific criteria. 


As a system administrator I want to be able to determine when semesters/terms take place during the academic/fiscal yearset restrictions for enrollment in a courseDetermine when semesters/terms take place during the academic/fiscal year

Set restrictions and/or requirements for enrollment in a course


As a system administrator I want to be able to implement the grading criteria override course restrictions for a course as determined by the department.Implement the grading criteria for a course as determined by the department.when necessary. 

Override course restrictions and/or requirements for a course when necessary. 


As a system administrator I want to be able to set the pricing for courses based on department criteria. Set the pricing for courses based on department criteria. integrate Destiny One and Salesforce data for supported use cases.

Integrate Destiny One and Salesforce data for supported use cases.


As a system administrator I want to be able to offer course discounts based on department criteria.Offer course discounts based on department criteriaset up the program office of the website as UCL.

Set up the program office of the website as UCL.


As a system administrator I want to be able to set up payment options in the website shopping cart. Set up payment options in the website shopping cart. create the costing units for each department.

Create the costing units for each department.


As a system administrator I want to be able to set up the payment processorGeneral Ledger (GL) accounts for each department.

Set up the payment processor to required specificationsGeneral Ledger (GL) accounts for each department.


As a system administrator I want to be able to configure auto-response email messages for specific criteria. Configure auto-response email messages for specific criteria. make sure if the information in the GL account matches with that in Peoplesoft.

Ensure the information in the GL account matches with that in Peoplesoft.


As a system administrator I want to be able to set restrictions for enrollment in a course. Set restrictions and/or requirements for enrollment in a course. build out the necessary program areas in the public view.

Build out the necessary program areas in the public view.


As a system administrator I want to be able to override course restrictions for a course when necessary. Override course restrictions and/or requirements for a course when necessary. build out the necessary program streams in the public view.

Build out the necessary program streams in the public view.


As a system administrator I want to be able to integrate Destiny One and Salesforce data for supported use cases.Integrate Destiny One and Salesforce data for supported use casesbuild out the necessary categories in the public view.

Build out the necessary categories in the public view.


As a system administrator I want to be able to set up the program office of the website as UCL.Set up the program office of the website as UCLbuild out the system calendar including years, terms and holidays.

Build out the system calendar including years, terms and holidays.


As a system administrator I want to be able to create the costing units for each department.Create the costing units for each departmentdetermine the location of the courses to be created.

Determine the location of the courses to be created.


As a system administrator I want to be able to set up the General Ledger (GL) accounts for each department. Set up the General Ledger (GL) accounts for each departmentvarious account roles and determine level of access to the system.

Set up various account roles and determine level of access to the system.


As a system administrator I want to be able to make sure if the information in the GL account matches with that in Peoplesoft. Ensure the information in the GL account matches with that in Peoplesoftset up workflows in the system based upon the roles that have already been created.

Set up workflows in the system based upon the roles that have already been created.


As a system administrator I want to be able to to build out the necessary program areas in the public view. Build out the necessary program areas in the public viewassign the owners of workflows.

Assign the owners of workflows.


As a system administrator I want to be able to build out the necessary program streams in the public view. Build out the necessary program streams in the public viewset up an age limit for registration for certain courses.

Set up an age limit for registration for certain courses.


As a system administrator I want to be able to build out the necessary categories in the create an instructor account so that said instructor can login to the destiny one public view.

Build out the necessary categories in the public view.


As a system administrator I want to be able to build out the system calendar including years, terms and holidays.

Build out the system calendar including years, terms and holidays.


As a system administrator I want to be able to determine the location of the courses to be created.

Determine the location of the courses to be created.


As a system administrator I want to be able to set up various account roles and determine level of access to the system.

Set up various account roles and determine level of access to the system.


As a system administrator I want to be able to set up workflows in the system based upon the roles that have already been created.

Set up workflows in the system based upon the roles that have already been created.


As a system administrator I want to be able to to assign the owners of workflows.

Assign the owners of workflows.


As a system administrator I want to be able to set up an age limit for registration for certain courses.

Set up an age limit for registration for certain courses.


As a system administrator I want to be able to create an instructor account so that said instructor can login to the destiny one public view.

Create an instructor account in the destiny one staff view.

  • Login to Destiny One staff view

    1. Expected results: Navigate to destiny one development page.

  • Navigate to Curriculum manager option in

    Create an instructor account in the destiny one staff view.

    1. Login to Destiny One staff view

      1. Expected results: Navigate to destiny one development page.

    2. Navigate to Curriculum manager option in navigation bar.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to curriculum manager options.

    3. Select instructor option from navigation bar and click create instructor button.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to instructor creation page.

    4. Input required fields to create instructor and click save button.

      1. Expected results: Account created and instructor receives a password creation email.


    As a member of the public I want to be able to search for a specific course.

    Search for a specific course being offered.

    1. Select courses in homepage navigation bar.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to course search page.

    2. Enter specific course information in search bar and click search button.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to course search results.

    3. Select specified course.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to course page.


    As a member of the public I want to be able to search for a specific certificate.

    Search for a specific certificate being offered.

    1. Select certificates in homepage navigation bar.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to certificate search page.

    2. Enter specific certificate information in search bar and click search button.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to certificate search results.

    3. Select specified certificate.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to certificate page.


    As a member of the public I want to be able to browse the program listings and look at all course.

    Browse the program listings.

    1. Select programs in homepage navigation bar.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to curriculum manager optionsprogram listings page.

    2. Select instructor option from navigation bar and click create instructor button.a program stream

      1. Expected results: Navigate to instructor creation program stream page.

    3. Input required fields to create instructor and click save button.Browse and select courses in the program stream

      1. Expected results: Account created and instructor receives a password creation emailNavigate to course pages.


    As a member of the public I want to be able to search the program listings for a specific course.

    Search the program listings for a specific course being offered.

    1. Select courses programs in homepage navigation bar.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to course search program listings page.

    2. Enter specific course information in search bar and click search button. Select a program stream

      1. Expected results: Navigate to course search resultsprogram stream page.

    3. Select specified course . in the program stream

      1. Expected results: Navigate to course page.


    As a member of the public I want to o be able to search for a specific certificate.

    Search for a specific certificate being offered.

    Select certificates

    view the details in the course description page.

    Access the description page of a selected course and view the course details.

    1. Select courses in homepage navigation bar.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to certificate course search page.

    2. Enter specific certificate course information in search bar and click search button.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to certificate course search results.

    3. Select specified certificatecourse.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to course page.

    4. Select individual course sections and view course information.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to certificate pagesection information.


    As a member of the public student I want to be able to browse the program listings and look at all course.

    Browse the program listings.

  • Select programs in homepage navigation bar.

    1. Expected results: Navigate to program listings page.

  • Select a program stream

    access the registration system from an internet browser on my computer

    Login to the registration system from an internet browser on a computer.

    1. Select student login in homepage navigation bar.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to program stream login page.

    2. Browse Enter username and password and select courses in the program stream log in button.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to course pagesstudent portal.


    As a member of the public student I want to be able to search the program listings for a specific course.

    Search the program listings for a specific course.

    Select programs in homepage navigation bar.

    access my student account and modify my profile.

    Access and modify student profile information.

    1. Login to student portal

      1. Expected results: Navigate to student portal.

    2. Select my profile in left-hand navigation bar

      1. Expected results: Navigate to program listings student profile page.

    3. Select a program streamModify preferred information (D.O.B., Address, Phone, etc.)

      1. Expected results: Navigate to program stream pageProfile information is modified.

    4. Select specified course in the program stream ‘save button’ on profile information after modification.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to course pageReceive changes saved notification.


    As a member of the public student I want o to be able to view the details in the course description page. Access the description page of a selected course and view the course detailssearch for a specific course.

    Search for a specific course being offered.

    1. Select courses in homepage navigation bar.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to course search page.

    2. Enter specific course information in search bar and click search button.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to course search results.

    3. Select specified course.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to course page.

    4. Select individual course sections and view course information.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to section information.


    As a student I want to be able to access the registration system from an internet browser on my computer

    Login to the registration system from an internet browser on a computer.

    Select student login

    search for a specific certificate.

    Search for a specific certificate being offered.

    1. Select certificates in homepage navigation bar.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to login certificate search page.

    2. Enter username and password and select log in specific certificate information in search bar and click search button.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to student portalcertificate search results.

    3. Select specified certificate.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to certificate page.


    As a student I want to be able to access my student account and modify my profile.

    Access and modify student profile information.

  • Login to student portal

    1. Expected results: Navigate to student portal.

  • Select my profile in left-hand navigation bar

    search the program listings for a specific course.

    Search the program listings for a specific course.

    1. Select programs in homepage navigation bar.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to student profile program listings page.

    2. Modify preferred information (D.O.B., Address, Phone, etc.)Select a program stream

      1. Expected results: Profile information is modifiedNavigate to program stream page.

    3. Select ‘save button’ on profile information after modification.specified course in the program stream

      1. Expected results: Receive changes saved notificationNavigate to course page.


    As a student I want to o be able to search for a specific course. Search for a specific course being offeredview the details in the course description page.

    Access the description page of a selected course and view the course details.

    1. Select courses in homepage navigation bar.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to course search page.

    2. Enter specific course information in search bar and click search button.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to course search results.

    3. Select specified course.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to course page.

    4. Select individual course sections and view course information.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to section information.


    As a student I want to be able to search for a specific certificateenroll in a course using an online registration system.

    Enroll in a course using the online registration system.

    1. Search for a

    specific certificate being offered.
    1. Select certificates in homepage navigation barspecified course.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to course page.

    2. Add course to shopping cart.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to certificate search Selected course appears in student shopping cart.

    3. Navigate to shopping cart and select checkout button.

      1. Navigate to payment information page.

    4. Enter specific certificate payment information in search bar and click search and select continue checkout button.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to certificate search results.

      Select specified certificate
      1. Payment information is processed.

    5. Receive receipt confirming enrollment.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to certificate receipt page.


    As a student I want to be able to search the program listings for a specific course.

    Search the program listings for a specific course.

  • Select programs in homepage navigation bar.

    1. Expected results: Navigate to program listings page.

  • Select a program stream

    1. Expected results: Navigate to program stream page.

  • Select specified course in the program stream

    Expected results: Navigate to course page

    enroll in a course by email communication.

    Enroll in a course by email.


    As a student I want to be able to register for a course over the phone.

    Enroll in a course by phone.


    As a student I want o to be able to view the details in the course description page.

    Access the description page of a selected course and view the course details.

  • Select courses in homepage navigation bar.

    1. Expected results: Navigate to course search page.

  • Enter specific course information in search bar and click search button

    enroll in a course by walking into the registration office.

    Enroll in a course by walk-in. 


    As a student I want to be able to pay for my enrollment in the online registration system.

    Pay for enrollment using the online registration system.  

    1. Search for a specified course.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to course search resultspage.

    2. Select specified Add course to shopping cart.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to course page.

      Select individual course sections and view course information
      1. Selected course appears in student shopping cart.

    3. Navigate to shopping cart and select checkout button.

      1. Navigate to payment information page.

    4. Enter payment information and select continue checkout button.

      1. Expected results: Payment information is processed.

    5. Receive receipt confirming enrollment.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to section informationreceipt page.


    As a an international student I want to enroll in a course using an online registration system.

    Enroll in a course using the online registration system

  • Search for a specified course.

    1. Expected results: Navigate to course page.

  • Add course to shopping cart.

    1. Expected results: Selected course appears in student shopping cart.

  • Navigate to shopping cart and select checkout button.

    1. Navigate to payment information page.

  • Enter payment information and select continue checkout button.

    1. Expected results: Payment information is processed.

  • Receive receipt confirming

    be able to pay for my enrollment using Flywire.

    Pay for international enrollment using Flywire.


    As a student I want to receive notification that I have enrolled in a course.

    Receive notification after successfully enrolling in a course. 

    1. Enroll in a course and receive notification of enrollment.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to receipt pageReceive notification email with attached receipt.


    As a student I want to be able to enroll in a course by email communication.

    Enroll in a course by email.


    As a student I want to be able to register for a course over the phone.

    Enroll in a course by phone.


    As a student I want to be able to enroll in a course by walking into the registration office.

    Enroll in a course by walk-in. 

    D1i.STU.011to be able to view my current enrollments and the history of my past enrollments.

    View my current and past enrollments when I log into my account.

    1. Login to the system as a student.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to student portal.

    2. Select enrollment history in the left-hand navigation.

      1. Expected results: View current course enrollments.

    3. Select my account history in the left-hand navigation.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to account history page.

    4. Search for transactions using either the transaction number or date range.

      1. Expected results: View search results for past enrollments.


    As a student I want to be able to save drop a course for later enrollmentusing the online registration system.

    Add Drop a course to your student profile saved listafter having enrolled.


    As a student I want to be able to pay for my enrollment in the online registration system.

    Pay for enrollment using the online registration system.  

  • Search for a specified course.

    1. Expected results: Navigate to course page.

  • Add course to shopping cart.

    1. Expected results: Selected course appears in student shopping cart.

  • Navigate to shopping cart and select checkout button.

    1. Navigate to payment information page.

  • Enter payment information and select continue checkout button.

    1. Expected results: Payment information is processed.

  • Receive receipt confirming enrollment

    receive notification when I have successfully dropped a course.

    Receive notification when a course is dropped.


    As a student I want to receive notification when I register for courses with conflicting schedules.

    Receive notification if registration in courses with conflicting schedules occurs.


    As a student I want to be able to access my student home page, modify the view and observe my course schedule.

    Access student home and view course schedule.

    1. Login to the system as a student.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to receipt pagestudent portal.


    As an international student I want to be able to pay for my enrollment using Flywire.

    Pay for international enrollment using Flywire.

    1. Select my course schedule in the left-hand navigation.

      1. Expected results: View student course schedule.


    As a student I want to receive notification that I have enrolled in a course. Receive notification after successfully enrolling in a course. to be able to access my student home page and view my applications.

    Access student home and view applications

    1. Login to the system as a student.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to student portal.

    2. Select my applications in the left-hand navigation.

      1. Expected results: View student applications.


    As a student I want to be able to view my current enrollments and the history of my past enrollments. View my current and past enrollments when I log into my accountaccess my student home page and view my certificates.

    Access student home and view certificates.

    1. Login to the system as a student.

      Expected results: Navigate to



      Select enrollment history in the left-hand navigation.

      1. Expected results: View current course enrollmentsNavigate to student portal.

    2. Select my account history certificates in the left-hand navigation.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to account history page.

      Search for transactions using either the transaction number or date range.

      1. Expected results: View search results for past enrollmentsView student certificates.


    As a student I want to be able to drop a course using the online registration system.Drop a course after having enrolledaccess my student home page and view my saved items.

    Access student home and view saved items.


    As a student I want to receive notification when I have successfully dropped a course.Receive notification when a course is droppedto sign up for a student account on the Continuing Education Destiny One registration website.

    Navigate to destiny one public webpage and create a student account.


    As a student registration agent I want to receive notification when I register for courses with conflicting schedules. Receive notification if registration in courses with conflicting schedules occursto be able to access a student’s account and register them for a class over the phone.

    Access a student's account and register them for a class via telephone.


    As a student registration agent I want to be able to access my student home page, modify the view and observe my course scheduleaccess a student’s account and register them for a class over email.

    Access a student home and view course schedule.

    1. Login to the system as a student.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to student portal.

    2. Select my course schedule in the left-hand navigation.

      1. Expected results: View student course schedule.


    As a student 's account and register them for a class via email. 


    As a registration agent I want to be able to access my student home page and view my applications.

    Access student home and view applications

    1. Login to the system as a student.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to student portal.

    2. Select my applications in the left-hand navigation.

      1. Expected results: View student applications.


    As a student a student’s account and register them for a class by walk-in.

    Access a student's account and register them for a class via walk-in. 


    As a faculty member I want to be able to access my student home page and view my certificates. Access student home and view certificatesto login to the online registration system using an internet browser on a computer.

    Login to the registration system

    as a student.
    1. Expected results: Navigate to student portal.

    Select my certificates in the left-hand navigation

    from an internet browser on a computer.

    1. Select instructor login in homepage navigation bar.

      1. Expected results: View student certificates.


    As a student I want to be able to access my student home page and view my account history.

    Access student home and view account history
      1. Navigate to login page.

    1. Enter username and password and select log in button.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to instructor portal.


    As a student faculty member I want to be able to access my student home page and view my saved itemsinstructor profile and modify the information.

    Access student home and view saved items.


    As a student I want to to sign up for a student account on the Continuing Education Destiny One registration website.

    Navigate to destiny one public webpage and create a student account.


    As a registration agent I want to be able to access a student’s account and register them for a class over the phone.

    Access a student's account and register them for a class via telephone.


    As a registration agent and modify instructor profile information.

    1. Login to instructor portal

      1. Expected results: Navigate to instructor portal.

    2. Select my profile in left-hand navigation bar

      1. Expected results: Navigate to instructor profile page.

    3. Modify preferred information (Credentials, Address, etc.)

      1. Expected results: Profile information is modified.

    4. Select ‘save button’ on profile information after modification.

      1. Expected results: Receive changes saved notification.


    As a faculty member I want to be able to access a student’s account and register them for a class over email.

    Access a student's account and register them for a class via email. 


    As a registration agent my instructor profile and view the course sections assigned to me.

    View course sections assigned.


    As a faculty member I want to be able to access a student’s account and register them for a class by walk-in. Access a student's account and register them for a class via walk-in. my instructor profile and view my current schedule.

    View current schedule.


    As a faculty member I want to be able to login to the online registration system using an internet browser on a computer.Login to the registration system from an internet browser on a computeraccess my assigned courses.

    Access assigned course and enter course.


    As a faculty member I want wan to be able to access set my instructor profile schedule and modify the informationavailability in the destiny one public view.

    Access My Availability option and modify set an instructor profile informationschedule.


    As a faculty member I want to be able to access my instructor profile and view the course sections assigned to me. View course sections assigneddetermine the grading criteria for my courses and have the outcomes recorded in the registration system.

    Chose the grading criteria for my course and have the outcomes recorded by the system.


    As a faculty member I want to be able to access my instructor profile and view my current schedule.

    View current schedule.


    As a faculty member I want to be able to access my assigned courses.

    Access assigned course and enter course.


    As a faculty member I want to be able to determine the grading criteria for my courses and have the outcomes recorded in the registration system.

    Chose the grading criteria for my course and have the outcomes recorded by the systemcreate an instructor account in the destiny one public view.

    Finalize the creation of an instructor account after initial setup by a system administrator.

    1. Receive a link to change the instructor account password by email. Click the link to change the password.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to Destiny One public view new password page.

    2. Set new instructor account password.

      1. Expected results: Receive password set successfully notification.

    3. Login to Instructor account.

      1. Expected results: Navigate to instructor home page.