Login to d1 staff view
Go to curriculum manager and select reporting catagory
Select master option to find all reporting options.
Select desired report to generate and select ‘go’ button.
3/14/2023 - Q/A
Group information can be imported into D1.
Drop dates can be added to the section level.
3/21/2023 - Open Enroll
View Group Invoice:
Login to d1 staff view and select enrollment manager.
Search group.
Bring up group record.
Select invoices under accounts drop menu.
Fill required fields and select search.
View invoices assigned to group and/or student.
Group Contract:
Login to d1 staff view and select enrollment manager.
Search for specific group and enter record.
Select contracts from navigation menu.
Enter required fields as dictated by contract terms.
Enter details as necessary (required)
Select contract terms to create specific fields.
Enter required fields as necessary.
Click save button.
If a student requests a drop before the deadline, the drop is automatic. If the drop occurs after the deadline, then it has to be approved from the staff end.
3/22/2023 - Open Enroll
Class cancellations trigger automatic refunds to enrolled students.
Instructors courses can be found by entering the instructor record and selecting courses under the instructor drop menu.
Dropping a course in the staff view might make the system think that the drop is being approved.
To get notification of the drop request click the notify staff of new drops/transfers public and staff view boxes.
Classes on a contracts that include discounts will have them automatically applied during checkout. Discounts could be applied to individuals while offerings are based on courses?
3/28/2023 - Third Party
Dropping students in the staff view means the system believes the person with manager access has authorization to do so.
3/29/2023 - Q/A
New Contract:
Login to d1 staff view and select enrollment manager.
search for group/company and enter profile.
Select contracts from navigation and click new contract button.
Fill out required fields as determined by department criteria.
Click save button.
4/19/2023 - Q/A
Add associations to the PDUs in classes.
Curriculum manager, add associations, add unids onto a class.