If a student requests a drop before the deadline, the drop is automatic. If the drop occurs after the deadline, then it has to be approved from the staff end.
3/22/2023 - Open Enroll
Class cancellations trigger automatic refunds to enrolled students.
Instructors courses can be found by entering the instructor record and selecting courses under the instructor drop menu.
Dropping a course in the staff view might make the system think that the drop is being approved.
To get notification of the drop request click the notify staff of new drops/transfers public and staff view boxes.
Classes on a contracts that include discounts will have them automatically applied during checkout. Discounts could be applied to individuals while offerings are based on courses?
3/28/2023 - Third Party
Dropping students in the staff view means the system believes the person with manager access has authorization to do so.
3/29/2023 - Q/A
New Contract:
Login to d1 staff view and select enrollment manager.
search for group/company and enter profile.
Select contracts from navigation and click new contract button.
Fill out required fields as determined by department criteria.
Click save button.
4/19/2023 - Q/A
Add associations to the PDUs in classes.
Curriculum manager, add associations, add unids onto a class.