Once all of the steps in the previous stages, Hiring - 1. Before You Post the Job and Hiring - 2. New Employee Paperwork, have been completed and the new hire has successfully passed their background check, the hiring manager/director needs to submit a task through the help desk to begin the employee's onboarding process.
Go to the CE Knowledgebase home page (kb.continue.utah.edu)
Click on the link to the Help Desk
Select the CE Employee Management Service Desk
Select "Begin Employee Onboarding"
Fill out the form and submit!
To take a shortcut, click on the "CECE Employee Onboarding Task" link in the quick links section to the right. It will take you directly to the form you need!
Teams involved in onboarding strive to have everything complete prior to the new employee's first day. However, this is not always possible. It is our goal to communicate with hiring managers throughout the process so that you know what's going on. The following is a breakdown of what we endeavor to accomplish prior to the new hire's arrival.