University Connected Learning (UCL) Departments
In this Article
Continuing Education consists of three distinct programming departments that offer classes to students and two support departments that provide support both internally and externally. The programming departments are University Pathways, Personal Enrichment & Professional Development, and the English Language Institute.
The programming departments are divided into units described below. Each unit is made up of various programs. These units are assisted by support teams which include IT, HR, Marketing, Accounting/Budget and the Off-Campus Sites. Together we make up the division at the university called Continuing Education & Community Engagement (CECE). We have had numerous names over the years and you may still hear us referred to by any of the following: Division of Continuing Education (DCE), Academic Outreach and Continuing Education (AOCE), and Continuing Education (CE).
Continuing Education offers credit, noncredit, personal enrichment and professional courses in a wide range of topics, from art to recreation to languages to technology to cooking. Our units include; Academic Programs (credit and noncredit), the English Language Institute, Go Learn, Lifelong Learning, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, Professional Education, Test Preparation, and Youth Education.
Each department has a Senior Director and each unit consists of a Director or in several cases the Senior Director only and the administrative staff required to effectively run the program.
You may subscribe to email updates and receive informative emails detailing what the units are currently promoting and descriptions of upcoming classes to assist your participation in promoting Continuing Education & Community Engagement to the greater campus and community as part of our ongoing strategic goals. Go to this website to sign up:
Organizational Definitions
Term | Working Definition/Examples | |
1 | Department | Personal Enrichment Vertical / Marketing / Finance etc. |
2 | Unit | Youth Education / Academic Noncredit / English Language Institute etc. |
3 | Program | Degree Plus / Osher Lunch & Learns / Health Professions Academy / Certificate of Western Horticulture / HB60 etc. |
4 | Product | London On Stage 2017 / GRE Prep 300 / Math 990 etc. |
University Pathways
Academic Programs
This unit works with the University’s academic departments to offer traditional credit classes at our off-campus sites. Sometimes these classes are offered by the cognizant department (e.g. Biology or Math), sometimes CECE offers the classes with approval from the cognizant department. Academic Programs ‘yokes’ (e.g. unites) non-credit sections to these classes, as well as on campus credit courses, and provides students that do not need credit hours the opportunity to sit in on these classes and learn at a fraction of the cost. In addition, this unit partners with an academic department and outside agency (like a school district or massage therapy school) to provide “Contract Courses,” which are classes set up for non-University of Utah students to earn college credit. The main contact number for Academic Programs is 585-9963.
Their websites are:
Test Preparatory Programs (Test Prep)
This unit prepares people to take graduate school entrance exams, including the GRE, GMAT, MCAT and LSAT. Courses cover a primer of test content (reasoning skills, verbal aptitude, etc.), and provide test taking strategies. The main contact number for Test Prep is 581-5361. Their website is:
Youth Education (Youth Ed)
This unit offers classes for students aged 2 to 18. Most classes are offered during the summer, including Club U, the unit’s largest program. Courses include preparation for the ACT and SAT college entrance exams, the Youth Academy of Excellence for gifted elementary and middle school students, hands-on educational experiences in a wide range of subject areas, and athletics. The main Youth contact number is 581-6984. Their website is:
Personal Enrichment & Professional Education
The programming units in the Personal Enrichment & Professional Education Department are:
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (Osher/OLLI)
This unit is funded by a grant from the Bernard Osher Foundation. It offers educational and personal enrichment classes for people 50 and over. Instructors are current faculty, emeritus faculty and other experts from the community. Courses are taught at the Commander’s House at Fort Douglas as well as at our current building, 540 Arapeen. Membership is required to register and attend Osher classes. The main contact number for Osher is 585-5442. Their website is:
Lifelong Learning
This unit offers non-credit enrichment courses for adults. Program offerings include classes in art, photography, business, food and wine, home and garden, language, writing, and more. Classes are primarily offered in the evenings or weekends, on campus and at locations throughout the community. The main Lifelong Learning contact number is 587-LIFE (587-5433). Their website is:
Go Learn
This unit offers educational travel to local and international destinations with U of U faculty and experts along to discover and study the world. Pre-departure classes are part of the experience. The main Go Learn line is 801-581-6980. Their website is:
Professional Education (Pro Ed)
This unit offers classes for individual and custom training for businesses and classes related to computers and technology. Classes are designed to provide working professionals with the skills they need to succeed in the workplace. Content includes accounting, human resources, project management and customer service. The main Pro Ed contact number is 585-1780. Their website is:
The English Language Institute (ELI)
This unit offers English as a second language courses, primarily for students interested in attending colleges and universities in the U.S. Most students are from countries in the Pacific Rim and come to take a series of eight-week sessions. We also offer ‘short-term’ courses, in which groups of students from a single institution come for a short, intensive training session. The main contact number for ELI is 587-9585. Their website is: