Configure classroom furniture for evening classes per instructions given by program
Pick up/wipe tables in classrooms as needed
Adjust shades, clean white board, check for markers, dump trash if full and put in dumpster outside.
At 5PM
One staff member always at Student Services desk to answer phones and student questions
Other staff member can continue preparing for evening classes and help direct students to new classes- both be back to student service desk by 6 to help instructors if needed - make copies/computer issues
Disengage push bars for staff area for front door and door next to breakroom.
Lock computer labs if not being used by classes that night.
Before Leaving
Check study rooms, bathrooms, and student lounge (or any unlocked area) for students
Clean classrooms: straighten and clean tables, chairs, tablet armchairs, clean whiteboards, make sure electronics and projectors are turned off
After classrooms are cleaned, turn off lights, and close doors
Double check that all exits are secure (one by loading dock)
Move in outside signs
Return any laptops, clickers, or remotes to their proper storage location.
Have instructors leave materials in classrooms/drop by finance door. If students or instructors leave anything in the rooms, place the items in the lost-and-found box
Do a sweep of the building to ensure the building is empty
Computer Labs
Turn off computers
Turn off Lights
Lock doors
Securing Staff Area
Close registration roll down door at 8:30 to clean rooms and sweep.
Turn off lights in breakroom and main lights where possible and sweep area for people
Ensure staff doors are closed and locked(some of the doors do not fully close unless pushed)
Put up sign saying that you are in the building and if assistance is needed to call you. For now if you could put your cell on it. I will have instructions on forwarding the work phone to a cell number soon.
Student Services Area
Lock all file cabinets
Make sure computers are turned off
Close and lock roll down door.
Turn off lights
Set alarm on card reader door
Securing and Exiting Building
Make sure all external doors are locked (Maglocks will automatically engage at 9:30 pm) including the door to the dumpster.
Ensure the maglocks engage on the doors after closed. The upstairs door takes about a minute to engage, so wait to ensure it is locked.
Two staff members should leave the building together
If maglocks do not engage at the main glass doors, call REA to let them know there is a problem
Contact Numbers
If you have a facility issue, call REA (Real Estate Admin) at 801- 587-8750 and email Katina about the issue so she can follow up
If technology issue, call 1-3200. Brady at the Sandy site is there all evening and should be able to help.
If emergency, medical or safety, call 911 Or Campus security – 801-585-2677
Other Contact Numbers
Richard Smith 801-589-8371
Jodi Emery 801-706-5960
Anne O’Brien 801-598-2235
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