UCL DocuSign Account Guides

DocuSign is used to get and track secure digital signatures.

University Connected Learning(UCL) has it’s own DocuSign account. As a UCL member you’ll want to use your UCL DocuSign Account. You’ll get an email inviting you to activate your UCL DocuSign Account that looks like this:

Click the activate button and set up your UCL DocuSign account

Once you have your UCL DocuSign Account activated please set UCL as your default work area.

Set UCL as your default work area in DocuSign

As a member of the UCL team, you want UCL to be your default area. This saves needing to switch accounts each time you log in.

  1. After you log in under your name click the “Switch Account” link. Pick the “University of Utah - University Connected Learning” account.

  2. Once in the University Connected Learning account you can set it as your default.

    1. See the University Connected Learning Logo in the top right next to your image

    2. Click on “My Preferences” under your name.

    3. Click the “Set as default” link by the “University of Utah - University Connected Learning” account name.


  3. You will automatically be in the University Connected Learning account when you log in to DocuSign. You’ll be able to tell by the University Connected Learning logo by your name in the top right.



From now on you’ll want to work in the UCL area.

Repeating signatures

Work with UCL Systems team if you require collecting secure digital signatures from similar groups regularly or find yourself repeating the same digital signature task.

Docusign support has some great support documentation at https://support.docusign.com/ .