Destiny One - Fundamentals Training Materials

Destiny One - Fundamentals Training Materials

University of Utah Implementation Demonstrations

Fundamentals Training Materials

Welcome to Modern Campus Destiny One ‘Fundamentals’ training materials page. This page is curated from the https://destinyone-support.moderncampus.com/ site. It is a Table of Contents page of all Destiny One Fundamentals Training Materials

These videos provide any user new to Destiny One with a base level understanding of features and functionality. They can also be leveraged for post Go Live refresher training. 

Please engage in the first four Introduction videos as they apply to all roles. You'll also notice that this resource page suggests training videos based on your role. These roles are copied from the Destiny One website and at some later date we'll better know how these roles align with the duties performed by your individual team members in UCL. We will then work with you to understand your roles within the new system so you can watch trainings targeted for you.

Destiny One is in the process of updating their legacy videos (marked with "Long") to a more professional and consumable format. Please check this page regularly for updates. 

Video Tags Explained


Long:  Legacy 'Fundamental' videos. Webinar recordings typically over 1 hour in length.


Demo:  Short recordings of Demonstrations. These will eventually be replaced with new format videos.


Which videos should I watch?

Let Destiny One’s role icons below guide you. The topic is optional if your role has a dotted outline.   

Role Icons

Project Owners      

Business Analyst     

Finance Director  

Marketing Director




Program Director      


Technical Analyst




Relevant to these roles:


  1. Introduction to Destiny One (3:10 min)

  2. Introduction to Staff View (2:23 min)

  3. Introduction to Help (1:51 min)

  4. Guided Tour (1hr 20m tour of Destiny One)  (1:19:30 long)

System Administration

Relevant to these roles:

  1. System Administration Webinar (1:13:40 Long)

  2. System Administration Q&A (6:51 min Long)

  3. Program Offices and Costing Units Defined (4:12 min)

  4. Determine Your Program Offices and Costing Units (3:35 min)

  5. Configuration Editor (4:48 min)

  6. Discounts (2:22 min Demo)

  7. Holds  (2:53 min Demo)

  8. Instruction Method Creation (1:23 min Demo)

  9. Special Request (2:59 min Demo)

  10. Special Request - Memberships  (1:45 min Demo)

  11. Tuition Profiles  (3:47 min Demo)

  12. Setup Assistant (2:05 min)

Access Control and Permissions

Relevant to these roles:

 Access Control and Permissions (1:02:26 Long) 

Curriculum Manager

Relevant to these roles:

1. Locations (2:54 min Demo)

2. Calendar (2:35 min Demo)

3. Enrollment Rules (3:11 min Demo)

4. Prerequisites (3:28 min)

5. Grading Overview (2:47 min Demo)

6. Grading Types (2:20 min)

7. Grading Templates. (2:58 min)

8. Course Creation and Management (1:02 min Demo)

9. Section Creation (1:38 min Demo)

10. Section Creation – Example. (6:35 min)

11. Section Approval Process. (3:06 min)

12. Section Scheduling (1:23 min Demo)

13. Section Fees. (3:53 min)

14. Section Budgeting (3:50 min)

15. Associations and Professional Credits (3:10 min)

16. Section Copying (2:35 min Demo)

17. Waitlist - Overview (2:53 minDemo)

18. Waitlist Management (3:49 min)

19. Instructor Profile and Contracts (2:54 min Demo)

20. Instructor Management (3:57 min Demo)

21. Instructor Schedule Conflicts (2:48 min Demo)

22. Certificate Creation and Management (3:12 min Demo)

23. Certificate Stream Editing (7:07 min)

24. Bundles - Overview (2:04 min Demo)

25. Applications (43:29 Long)

Course Proposal Workflow

Course Proposal Workflow

Relevant to these roles:

Enrollment Manager/ Student Services

Relevant to these roles:





  1. Student Profile Creation (5:23 min) (Staff Perspective)   

  2. Student Categories (2:01 min Demo)

  3. Student Enrollment/ Purchase (4:07 min Demo)(Staff Perspective)    

  4. Student Special Request Purchase (2:53 min)(Staff Perspective)

  5. Student Pay by Invoice (3.22 min) (Staff Perspective)  

  6. Bundle - Overview  (2:04 min Demo)

  7. Bundle Purchase (4:08 min) (Student Perspective)  

  8. Drop Request and Refund Process - Overview (2:35 min Demo)

  9. Special Request Adjust or Cancel  (3:46 min)

  10. Adjustments (4:37. min)

  11. Transfers   (3:52 min)

  12. Refund Approval (3:40 min)

  13. Waitlist - Overview (2:53 min Demo)  

  14. Waitlist Management (3:49 min)

  15. Student Application Management (5:42 min) (Staff Perspective)  

  16. Student Transcript Purchase / Fulfillment (3:26 min)

  17. Student File Upload   (3:06 min)

  18. Student Communication (4:34 min)

  19. Group Profile Creation (4:44 min)


Relevant to these roles:

  1. Groups (57:08 Long)

  2. Family Groups / Family Portal (1:52 min Demo)

  3. Group Profile Creation (4:44 min)

Accounting and Finance

Relevant to these roles:

  1. Accounting and Finance (1:12:52 Long)

  2. Student Pay by invoice (3:22 min) (Staff Perspective)

  3. Paying Down A Student Invoice. (3:41 min)

  4. Adjustments (4:37 min)

  5. Refund Approval (3:40 min)

  6. Section Budgeting (3:50 min)

Marketing and Web Site Development

Relevant to these roles:

  1. Marketing (1:16:42 Long)

  2.  Marketing Questions (3:00. min Demo)

  3. Social Media Links (2:00 min Demo)

  4. Responsive Design (Supporting Mobile Devices) (2:02. min Demo)

  5. Website Integration (2:12 min Demo)

  6.  Branding your Web Site (3:22 min Demo)

Public View

Relevant to these roles:

  1. Course Search (Student Perspective) (0:57 min Demo)

  2. Student Creation (Student Perspective) (3:01 min Demo)

  3. Transcripts and Certificates (Student Perspective) (1:45 min Demo)

  4. Applications (Student Perspective) (3:55 min Demo)

  5. Special Request (2:59. min Demo)

  6. Transfers (Student Perspective) (4:58 min Demo)

  7. Family Groups and Portal (1:52 min Demo)

  8. Registering Youths through the Family Portal (2:21 min Demo) 

Task Manager / Workflows

Relevant to these roles:

Workflows (59:58 Long)



Relevant to these roles:

Duplicate Student Report (2:03 min Demo)


International and Specialty Program Manager (ISPM) (License Required)

Relevant to these roles:





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