Destiny One Class Section Creation

Destiny One Class Section Creation

This training will give you the information you will need to create a new class section in the Destiny One registration system.

Much of this information can be found by accessing the Help pages in Destiny One. Follow the links in each section to go to help pages in D1. Specific information to the University of Utah will be given in this document.

Propose a New Class Section


D1 Help: https://uofutahtestsv.destinyone.moderncampus.net/srs/WebHelp/Content/Curriculum Manager/Courses/Sections/Section Profile.htm
  1. Navigate to the Course Profile.

  2. Note: The Add New Section is available on the Course Profile page only if the Status of the course is Active.

  3. Click Add New Section under the Section table in the upper right corner of the screen. A blank Section Profile page appears.

  4. All of the information you will fill out for sections will be determined by your program, for example, Max Enrollment Size, dates, times, and instructors. There are certain procedures, such as class section approval, formatting dates (10/1/22 vs. 10-1) and days (M vs. Mon or Monday), etc. that have not been determined at this point. As you enter test data you may try different things, but know that in the future these may be standardized and made consistent across all of UCL.

  5. Enter the section information and click Save when complete. See Field descriptions below for more details. Upon each save, Destiny One records the time and date at the bottom of the screen under Section Approval Status History.


Class Section Profile Fields

D1 Help: https://uofutahtestsv.destinyone.moderncampus.net/srs/WebHelp/Content/Curriculum Manager/Courses/Sections/Section Profile.htm

All delivered field information can be found at the above URL. The following table has fields that are specific University of Utah requirements and must be entered in that way - fields not shown are delivered fields and info can be found at above URL.


Descriptions UofU requirements


Descriptions UofU requirements

Custom Class Section

Equivalent to PS class section


Max Enrollment Size

Equivalent to PS Enrollment Capacity