Classroom Tech @ 540 & Sandy

Classroom Tech @ 540 & Sandy

In addition to preexisting projectors and audio systems, we’ve been working to equip each classroom at UUCE and Sandy with the following instructional technology:

·         Camera with remote control.

·         Microphone.

·         Document camera.

Instructor cameras have been installed at Sandy, and several UUCE rooms. Some UUCE cameras are temporarily tripod mounted, but all should be wall mounted by fall term. These instructor cameras light a solid green LED when connected and ready, and should be selectable in Zoom as “AT-HDVS-CAM”. These cameras have a remote control that should remain at the instructor station.

Each instructor station has a USB microphone. There are two models. The Nady mics have an LED button on top that lights up when connected, green when ready, red when muted. The MXL mics have a red LED when connected. These mics are selectable in Zoom as “USB PNP Audio Device”, or “USB Audio Codec”.

Each classroom now has an Ipevo document camera. They are listed in Zoom’s camera (and microphone) devices as “Ipevo VZ-R” or “Ipevo VZ-X”. The document camera is intended to be a beneficial alternative to using the white board. Content that is actively being written on paper is presented concurrently to in-room students via the room’s projector, and to remote students via Zoom. The document camera is additionally useful for displaying paper documents and images, small objects, as well as hand gestures such as sing language. These Ipevo cameras have a built-in microphone, and can oriented for use as a webcam alternative to the room’s primary camera and microphone, as preference or technical problems may dictate. They have a power switch near the base which can be left in the on position, and will light a green LED near the top of the unit. Some other important features are a button the controls a lamp to illuminate your subject, and a button that will flip the image orientation. More features are demonstrated here:
VZ-R HDMI/USB Document Camera. You may also want to explore additional features in Zoom that take advantage of document cameras in the advanced screen sharing section, such as some picture-in-picture and collaborative annotation.

All of these new components are USB devices that rely on the classroom computer. As such, there are occasional glitches with USB connectivity. If you experience any problems with connectivity, it’s best to restart the computer to reinitialize the USB system. If problems persist, please report the issue via http://helpdesk.continue.utah.edu, and call 801-581-3200 if you need immediate assistance. Please do not unplug anything or leave unresolved problems unreported.

Each room still has an HDMI cable, selectable from the room’s touch controller, that can be used for a laptop. However, if an instructor opts to use their laptop, they will not have access to the room’s cameras and microphone (and should therefore use their laptop’s camera and microphone if necessary). Some special accommodations may be made to try connecting classroom devices to an instructor’s laptop if a request is made a full business day in advance, but we can’t guarantee operation with every computer.

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