Pay Memos Guide
Units are responsible for submitting pay memos at least 24 hours before the final day of the pay period. All pay memos must be submitted by the Unit, processed by HR Analyst/Payroll Rep., approved by Manager, and approved by HR Analyst/Payroll Rep. If this is not completed by 11:59 am on the final working day of the pay period payment cannot be guaranteed.
Missed payments may occur due to late submissions. Please try to submit the Unit’s pay memos as soon as possible in the pay period which the unit wants the employee paid.
Please let HR Analyst/Payroll Rep. know if you have any questions.
Entering Pay Memos:
Instructor pull down menu
Search option
Search by uNID/ First Name/ Last Name
Select uNID
Pay Info
Create new Pay Memo
Enter Payment Start Date and Payment End Date
Pay period in which you want pay memo processed
Example: 01/01/2020 – 01/15/2020
Select Term
Program information, specific aspects, etc.
Save Information
Select Class & Payment Information
List populates classes or can enter subject search
Note (this allows for subject to be manually entered, but cannot have class selected)
Check info upper right hand corner Class Payment
If information is correct select complete
Send to HR Analyst/ Payroll Rep.
After Pay Memo is Sent to HR Analyst/ Payroll Rep.:
HR Analyst/ Payroll Rep. will process pay memo into PeopleSoft then mark as “Done”
Once pay memo is processed it will be sent to manager of unit for approval
Manager will go into their Worklist in CIS to review and approve eFORM
Are the pay period beginning and end dates correct?
Is the amount of payment correct?
Is the chartfield correct?
After manager approval the eFORM is sent back to HR Analyst/ Payroll Rep. for approval
HR Analyst/ Payroll Rep. verifies information is correct before final approval