Volunteer Pay
As an organization that values community involvement, we think that it’s important to provide everyone the chance to contribute time to organizations and causes that they believe in. In that vein, we’ve introduced volunteer pay, the details of which are outlined below:
Volunteer Time
Employees may take up to 8 hours of paid time off each year to participate in a volunteer program. This time is in addition to taking part in the annual CECE-wide volunteer initiative. Volunteer time is refreshed at the beginning of each calendar year and cannot be accrued or carried over into the following year.
If your schedule allows it, you can break up the 8 hours into blocks.
e.g. utilizing 4 hours one day and 4 hours another day
Volunteer time must be requested in advance and when possible, should be regular and on a set schedule to help with the coordination of other work-related responsibilities.
Volunteer time should not conflict with the peak work schedule and other work-related responsibilities, create need for overtime, or cause conflicts with other employees' schedules.
Employees will need to provide written documentation that they participated in the volunteer effort and fill out the volunteer form available in the sidebar. Please take pictures so we can share with the team the organizations that our employees impact!
Eligible Employees
All full-time employees are eligible. Part time employees (.495 FTE and less) are eligible for 4 hours each year. Employees should be in good standing. Interested employees should meet with their managers to discuss their volunteer choice, schedule, and to receive approval.
Eligible Organizations
The organization you choose must be a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and you must serve as a volunteer (you cannot be additionally compensated for your time).
Volunteer time may not be used for organizations that discriminate based on race, ethnicity, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, or protected veteran’s status.
If you have any questions, please contact your manager or Nate Friedman, the leadership representative on the volunteer committee.
Volunteer Hours Form:
To use volunteer hours, please download this form, complete, and turn in to your direct manager.