University Equipment
Disposing of University Owned Equipment
Please contact the UCL Operations Team for all equipment retirements or transfers at
It is the University's policy to dispose of excess University property in a way that will maximize the return or benefit to the University, consistent with laws governing state property.
Departmental sale of University property, except to another University department or through the University Surplus and Salvage Department, is prohibited.
The University Surplus and Salvage Department is responsible for the disposal of excess university property in accordance with Procedures outlined in paragraph III.S. of this policy. The University Surplus and Salvage administrator assists departments in the disposal process.
Excess University property received at the University Surplus and Salvage Department generally will not be held longer than 60 days. If property is determined to be not saleable, it may be cannibalized, scrapped, or discarded if determined to be of no value by University Surplus and Salvage.
Listings of property available at University Surplus and Salvage are on the University of Utah web page. This information is updated periodically.
Hazardous material disposal is coordinated by the Environmental Health and Safety and the Radiological Health Departments and specific Procedures on the disposal may be obtained from Environmental Health and Safety. If hazardous material is disposed of inconsistent with these Procedures, fines and/or penalties may be assessed to the university. Responsible individuals or departments may be subject to fines, penalties, and possible criminal action.
URL to Surplus website (links to external site)
URL to Retirement/Transfer Instructions (links to external site)