Hiring - 2. Potential New Employee & HR Paperwork
Once you've selected a candidate, you'll need to send them an offer letter. Once they accepted the offer, you'll need to complete the following paperwork before submitting a task to onboard through the help center. When offering the job to your selected candidate, be sure to communicate that the offer is contingent upon successful completion of the criminal background check.
Send Employee the Offer Letter
HR is available to help draft the offer letter for you and requests that you use the offer letter located on their website to ensure you are using the most up-to-date version of the offer letter HR Offer Letter Template
UCL has also has created an offer letter template; however, please consult our embedded HR Reps prior to sending the offer letter CECE_Benefited_Offer_Letter.docx
Inform HR Analyst of Other Considered Candidates
Send Workflow writable email to HR Analyst with PRN number and names of all candidates scheduled for an interview. Indicate any of the following that apply: didn't show to interview, withdrew from consideration, declined job offer, or interviewed, but not selected. (Applicant Workflow PDF)
Send Criminal Background Check Form to HR Analyst
Send CBC form with the following information to the HR Analyst (CBC Form PDF):
Candidate's name
Email address
Telephone number
uNID, if known
Job posting number (PRN)
The activity (number) for payment of Criminal Background Check (CBC)
Receive background check clearance
Once the background check is complete, the HR Analyst will email you that the background check is clear and you are approved to proceed with the hire.
If the background check does not clear, the HR Associate Director will consult with you to evaluate the risk of proceeding with the hire based upon the information found in the background check.